“1,000 researchers in schools” is an initiative to raise awareness about medical research and about scientific professions, from the angle of rare genetic diseases and research into treatments using innovative biotherapies.

Each year, a number of employees from Genethon take part in the “1,000 researchers in schools” initiative organized by AFM-Telethon and the French Biology and Geology Teachers Association (APBG). Our experts travel the roads of France to meet students in middle and high schools, to introduce them to the latest advances in biomedical research, and to the daily realities of people working in this field.
Bringing the world of research into schools
The “1,000 researchers in schools” initiative aims to bring the world of research into middle and high schools throughout France. A researcher leaves the laboratory to come and explain to young students the main advances in scientific research, particularly in the cutting-edge fields of molecular biology.
“It’s very interactive; students ask very relevant questions, sometimes ones that I had never thought of. They have understood what gene therapy involves, and that makes them aware of the issues around innovative therapies“, explains a research engineer from Genethon.
Genetic diseases, rare diseases, gene therapy, cellular therapy, stem cells… All the recent advances in molecular biology are addressed. It also gives an opportunity for students to find out more about the life of a researcher and about the various research professions, through a presentation by the scientist.
This initiative is aimed at students in 9th to 12th grade. It takes place once a year in November. Interested schools may register starting in September on the website 1000chercheurs.fr.
Find out more
>> The web page for the “1,000 researchers in schools” initiative [in French]