
Research work carried out at Genethon rewarded at the 26th edition of the ASGCT

Ai vu Hong, Research Fellow, and Laura Palmieri, PhD student, both members of Généthon’s progressive muscular dystrophies team, led by Isabelle Richard, received awards at the ASGCT 2023 congress held in Los Angeles from May 16 to 20.

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Chronic septic granulomatosis: biomarkers predict the efficacy of gene therapy

In a gene therapy trial promoted by Genethon, teams from Necker children’s hospital working with teams from Inserm and Université Paris Cité, at Institut Imagine, have identified 51 biomarkers that could predict the success of this treatment.

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“We made important achievements in 2022 but we still face key challenges in the year ahead”

Frédéric Revah, CEO of Genethon looks back on the year 2022 marked by major advances for gene therapy and presents the challenges ahead in 2023

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Genethon Launches Pivotal Clinical Trial of Gene Therapy for Crigler-Najjar Syndrome, a Rare Liver Disease

The gene therapy would represent a first-of-its kind treatment for this life threatening genetic disease.

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Genethon wishes you a happy new year 2023!

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Publication: Genethon helps clarify a molecular mechanism of mitochondrial malfunction in Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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Téléthon 2022: Benjamin, a hope for families thanks to clinical trials

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Telethon 2022: for Lucie, “a real opportunity, thanks to advances in research”

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Publication: Genethon helps identify two vectors optimized for muscles via a European H2020 program

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First Patient Dosed in Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial in Europe of Gene Therapy for LGMD-R9

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The Genethon platforms obtain ISO 9001 certification

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Anne Galy receives the WAS Foundation Callahan Award for her work on Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome

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Sickle-cell anemia: a project involving the Gene editing team has just secured European funding

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Gene Therapies Continue to Emerge as Effective Treatments for Rare Diseases, But Complex Challenges Remain

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Five post-doctoral positions open at Genethon, a leader in gene therapy for rare diseases

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