Five post-doctoral positions open at Genethon, a leader in gene therapy for rare diseases
A pioneer and leader in gene therapy for rare disease, Genethon, a non-profit organization, recruits 5 post-doctoral fellow to develop research projects the Inserm-Genethon-UEVE Integrare unit.

With 12 indications for gene therapies stemming from its research and 7 more to enter trials in the next 5 years, Genethon is a key player in the field of gene therapy for rare diseases. In order to further develop the translational research at Genethon, we are seeking 5 junior post-doctoral fellows in various fields (immunology, AAV gene therapy, genome editing, translational research for rare diseases) to join the research unit affiliated with Inserm and the University of Evry-Université Paris-Saclay.
The positions are open to candidates who graduated from their PhD in 2019 and after. Find out more about each position and apply now.
>> Post-doc position in Gene therapy in the Immunology and Liver gene transfer team, led by Giuseppe Ronzitti
>> Postdoctoral position for hematopoietic stem cell based gene therapy in the Genome Editing team, led by Mario Amendola
>> Post-doc position in gene therapy for inherited inflammatory and immune disorders in the Immunology and Biotherapies team led by Anne Galy
>> Post-doc position in combined therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy in the Progressive muscular dystrophies team led by Isabelle Richard
>> Post-doc position in gene therapy of muscle diseases in the Gene-based therapies for congenital myopathies team led by Ana Buj-Bello
The positions are 2 year fixed-term contracts provided by a joint initiative of Genethon and Inserm (the french national institute for health and biomedical research) for the “Plan de Relance”. The positions are based at Genethon in Evry (91, France) south of Paris, a laboratory which is accessible by public transportation.
Genethon is particularly committed to treating all personnels equally in a thriving cutting-edge technological environment, offering the working conditions needed for pioneering research. Find out more about our working conditions.
The position start date is before July 1st, 2022.