Genethon wishes you a happy new year 2023!
In 2023, we will not give up and continue the fight against rare diseases
2022 was marked by numerous advances in the projects led by Généthon, particularly the resumption of the gene therapy trial for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the transition to the pivotal phase of the trial for a liver disease, Crigler-Najjar disease, treatment of the first patient in the trial for FKRP-related muscular dystrophy. Those advances illustrate our researchers’ and experts‘excellence.
Read our pipeline: Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Read: First Patient Dosed in Phase 1/2 Clinical Trial in Europe of Gene Therapy for LGMD-R9
Read: Genethon’s R&D to be Featured in Multiple Presentations at ASGCT Annual Meeting, May 16-19